As you may know, if you’ve been following Verizon’s DROID hub on twitter, on their DROID DOES site, or on basically every Android-centric blog on these internets, Verizon is running a contest where people are winning DROID Charge units. They’ve been running this contest for a few weeks now, straight through the days when we didn’t know if the phone was dead before being released all the way to now, when you’re able to run right in to a Target or a Verizon store and pick one up. We’ve got San Diego winner David Baldwin on the line here with all the juicy details of those uncertain days. How did he survive such terror of not knowing? We shall see.
The following interview took place between yours truly and the real David Baldwin, finder of the San Diego Anomaly winning him his very own DROID Charge unit via Verizon. Have a peek at the video showing him and a few other people running around like mad, then head down to the full talk.
This interview takes place over the course of several days, so be sure to note the date changes over each section. The interview began on May 9th, 2011:
Chris Burns: Hi David, this is Chris Burns from Android Community. Which city did you win the contest in?
David Baldwin: San Diego
CB: It looks like in the video you’re handed a Droid Charge box – was it a dummy box? Have they not let you know when you’re going to receive a fully functional model?
DB: When I found the flyer they handed me a demo phone and its box to take pictures with. I asked when I would actually get one and they said soon. But the one they handed me was a fully activated phone with full 4G so at least I was able to see what it was all about, I kinda wished they had given me a t-shirt or something droid branded. What I walked away with was the flyer about finding the “anomaly” and a $50 Verizon gift card.
CB: What’s your past regarding DROID and Verizon? Have you been staying “brand-loyal” to DROID or Verizon Wireless as a carrier? How about Android?
DB: I have been a Verizon customer for about 8 years and have been an android user since the HTC Incredible came out. I currently have the Droid X and am waiting for another Motorola device with LTE such as the “Targa” handset. Currently my wife uses a Droid 2 which is on its last legs so she is getting the free upgrade. As far as “brand-loyalty” we are a droid only household, and I have always been treated well with Verizon so I have not had a reason to change.
CB: Have you hear anything additional about the Charge at this point?
DB: I still haven’t received a phone, after tracking it down they said I “should” have it this week.
CB: Are you referring to tracking down the original flyer or tracking down Verizon more recently?
DB: At the winning of the contest they could not tell me when I would get it, but after some tracking down I finally got in touch with someone and then they said some time this week
CB: How far back did you get in touch with Verizon?
DB: As soon as I found out it was being released on Saturday I tracked down and called the direct marketing person at the West coast HQ in Irvine, CA. According to the marketing rep. I should have it in my hands today *crosses fingers*.
CB: Did you get it?
DB: Got the phone and the wife loves it! Box included nothing out of the ordinary save for instructions for the store to activate the new device.
Thusly the saga did end, and David and his wife lived happily ever after with their load of DROID devices they kept with them at their bedside. Will they continue to be in love with the big D after they take the Charge for a ride for a few weeks? Only time will tell. And you, the other proud owners of this lovely device – what are your thoughts on the device thus far? Loving it?
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